The termination is accomplished by using the exit command at the end of the command list. 终止是通过在命令列表的末尾使用exit命令完成的。
If the user doesn't want to choose any item, but just wants to exit the list, they can't, no matter what key is pressed. 如果用户不想选择任何项,只是退出列表,那么他们不管按下什么键都无法做到。
Similarly, if a double comma is entered as user data, then the channel exit at that position in the list will get user data consisting of a blank String. 类似地,如果输入两个逗号作为用户数据,那么列表中该位置的通道出口将获取由空白字符串组成的用户数据。
Seek perspective: If you're still feeling steamed from that bully on the exit ramp or the backhanded tone from the bartender, it might be time to make a list of the things you're grateful for. 不同角度看问题:如果你还是对在出口匝道上的那个暴力驾驶者,或者那个吧员肚子里有气,也许是时候列出一些你感激的事情。
If you exit this, the list of open jobs will load faster. 如果退出此工单,打开的工单列表将更快地加载。